Ready for harvest

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Engage! Part 2

I referred in my last post to a second movie about engaging. It was in the movie Top Gun and the lead actor (Tom Cruise) had gone through the loss of his best friend and co-pilot. He was now back in the pilot seat and going against some bad guys, or at least his friends and fellow pilots were. The dog fight was pretty fierce and Tom pulls out of it from fear and struggling with the past. His commander at this point yells at him to engage.
I think we all struggle with past hurts and fears. It keeps us sometimes from moving forward or even stepping out. My wife and I had two miscarriages after Micah. It was some of the most discouraging time of our marriage. It's times like these that make you not want to carry on. Very few people gave us sympathy or seemed to even care. We struggled with the idea of having to go through it again. It kept us from trying again to have another baby. It was during this time that Teresa remembered a dream or more like a vision she had had. It was about her and I holding Micah and another baby. We knew that we were going to have another and it encouraged us to try again.
The pains and struggles of the past can either keep you from moving forward or you can move forward one step after another.Philippians 3:13 talks about forgetting the things that are behind. This forgetting is a continual act. Hebrews 12:1-2 talks about getting rid of the things that entangle us and the sin that sets us back. It's up to you to move forward. In Matthew 9:18-26; Mk 5:22-43; Lk 8:41-56 the Bible talks about a ruler came to Jesus and told Him that his daughter was dying. Before they could get very far, a servant came and told the man that his daughter had died. Jesus looked at the man and asked him to have faith. Jesus went with him and raised the girl up. I believe that if we stay engaged and keep doing what we are called to do, no matter the circumstances, the power of God will show up. My hope is that you engage and stay engaged.

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