Ready for harvest

Friday, September 28, 2012

Engage! Part 1

There are two moving I like that have the same word yelled loudly. The first is in the movie "The Incredibles". The dad (Mr. Incredible) is focused on his job and his daily struggles and forgets about what is happening right in front of him in his dining room. The kids are going crazy chasing each other and the mom is trying to get things in order. The mom finally yells out "engage", hoping he'll do something. Finally he does snap back to life and sets that back into place.
We get that way sometimes. We get so focused on our struggles and daily living that we ignore the life that is going on around us. I feel that this world is going to hell in a hand basket and many Christians are worried about the seating arrangement or the music being played. Luke 12:17-27 Jesus talked about a farmer that had a huge crop and he was worried what he was going to do with it. So he tore down barns and built bigger ones. Then the farmer is told he is a fool and that his soul would be required of him. What was so wrong with that? The farmer was more concerned about taking care of himself then the world around him. The next verses says "Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat ; neither for the body, what ye shall put on." Our focus is to be on the Kingdom of God and not on the things of his world. So in the words of Mrs. Incredible: Engage!
I share about the other movie in the next post. Have a Kingdom minded day!

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