Ready for harvest

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


As we plan and proceed through our plans and daily life one of the most frustrating thing that can happen is distractions. They are annoying and can be a real inconvenience. People seem to forget that I have plans and responsibilities. The last thing I need is for someone to get in my way. Like when I have somewhere to go and an acquaintance stops me and has to tell me their life story. Or someone's bad day makes my day get worse.
Then I'm reading in Mark 5 when a ruler (Jairus) wanted Jesus to come heal his daughter. As Jesus was going with him, low and behold there was an interruption. Another women that needed a healing came up and grabbed Jesus' clothes to get healed. Jesus stopped and recognized her and how she got healed. You can imagine how Jairus was standing there saying; blah, blah, blah, yeah she got healed, now lets go take care of my daughter. Then the bad news got worse. The daughter was reported dead. So he stood there, I'm sure with his face buried in his hands while Jesus looked on. Jesus' was distracted and it caused his daughter her life.
If you think about it, when was Jesus not distracted? Jesus was going from one problem and concern after another. Did Jesus have a plan? Yes and it seems to me that He didn't have any problem getting distracted. He would go off by Himself to pray and people would follow and interrupt. There was only one time when He wouldn't be taken off course. It was when He was going up to Jerusalem to die. Even then, there were some distractions that slowed Him down.
What can we learn from this? Make plans, but let God bring distractions. Some of my best days are when I let God use an inconvenience to make a difference in someone's life. The unplanned miracles are when God really gets the glory.

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