Ready for harvest

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Land Rush

In1889 there was a land that was owned by the Federal Government that was only in part being used by Indians as an Indian reserve. The government decided to sell the land not being used to anybody that wanted a piece. I'm not sure of all of the details of the Oklahoma land rush, but I know they had the land blocked off and everyone that wanted property bought a certain amount of flags for each set of acres. Then one morning they had everyone line up and at the sound of a canon, everyone took off to stake their claim of land. First come, first serve. (Unless you got shot over it) After making your claim, you set up house.
When I think of this event, I think of our calling in life. What area or what field has God called you to? In Joshua 14, Caleb comes to Joshua and tells him that when he spied out the land 45 years before this he had found the mountain that he wanted to live on and now he wanted to go take that mountain. I can't imagine getting up in the wilderness and going through every day for 45 years wanting a mountain, but Caleb did. He was now 85 years old and was ready to go get it. He had to fight off some pretty fierce opponents that lived there. He did everything he had to and God gave him that mountain.
So today, what mountain had God called you to take? Where is it that your going to stick your flag in the ground, declare that it's yours and defend it? It's time for God's people to have a land rush. 

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