Ready for harvest

Thursday, October 25, 2012


A scripture that I see on a lot of refrigerators and hung on walls is Isaiah 40:31. It's a great scripture on what waiting on God does for us. The problem is I don't like waiting. I'm impatient. A lot of people are like me. I can think of how popular the microwave has become and don't know how most people would live without one. Let's face it, our world is in a hurry.
One thing I've learned is that God is not in a hurry. 2Peter 3:9 says, "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." What I get from this is that God moves in His own time and He moves at His own pace.
The big problem is, I don't think we really know what waiting is. Most people can't stand being put on hold. Sitting and listening to music while waiting on someone to pick up the phone will drive you crazy. I recently was put on hold, but I found relief.  I put the phone on speaker and went about doing my work. After a while, the person picked up the other end and I was able to do the business that I was waiting on.
Do you feel like you've been put on hold by God? I think we should take the time that we are waiting and do some work. Focus on something that is in front of us and do it. Still keep what your waiting on God before you, but be willing to keep busy. God will work things out in the meantime and help you, but in His time, not yours. James 1:3-6 says that the trying of our faith works patience. If you feel like your faith is getting tried, (as a friend of mine would say) "hold steady". God is working on you and will give you the patience to see it through.

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