Ready for harvest

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Command 1

I grew up in a christian home, went to a christian school, had almost exclusively 'christian' friends. I got saved at age 6 and called into ministry at age 13. I thought that I had a normal life and then when I grew up, I realized that it was anything but normal. I became a christian and decided to follow Christ because I knew it was right and I didn't want to go to hell. I remember telling a friend about Christ at age 11 and wondered how he had never heard the gospel. I now know that this world is unreached. I see today how many people don't know Christ and I wonder how come churches are not making changes to reach the world. I hear and see what churches are fighting over and think are we trying to arrange chairs on the deck of the sinking ship?
There's something deeper in my soul that is stirring. A question has come to my mind and a lot of other people over the years: why does the world not want to come to our churches? A lot of churches are taking this question and have made changes. Many today feel that the best way to get people into our churches is to make it better. I must admit that I have liked these changes. Better worship music and teams make going to church more attractive. Greeters at the doors, better preaching, and great things for kids are very attractive. I'm not saying any of these things are wrong. In fact, I think its a shame if we don't make church exciting. But there's still something missing. Is it people getting filled with the Holy Spirit and great preaching? Is it organized prayer and ministry teams?
I have said several times that I think the world is waiting for a church who says what they believe and live like it. They are wanting a church that has the faith and power that Christ promised. This is what God has laid on my heart: we need to keep the first and greatest commandment Deuteronomy 6:5. If we love God like we are suppose to, then there will be a lot less fighting in the church and more focus on our faith. If we keep this command, the world will see it. I know that there are a lot of sincere people that follow sincere belief systems, but that is still not following God. You can tell people everyday that Jesus or God loves them, but do you love God? That is the first and foremost question that we have to answer. If you do or don't, it will show.

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