Ready for harvest

Thursday, September 27, 2012

A billion dollars

I heard a commercial yesterday where a girl was singing how she wants a billion dollars so bad. I thought, how many people wish for that same thing? But my next thought was how sad it would be if they got it. What am I doing with what I have? That's the biggest and best question I can ask. Jesus once told a parable about a three guys. (Matthew 25) They were each given a certain amount of money. One that was given 5 talents made 5 more and the one given 2 talents made 2 more. But then there was this one guy given 1 talent. He sat on his. It didn't do him or anyone else any good. The leader who had given these men the money, told the first two that made more money that they had been faithful over a few things, they would be in charge of many things. The one who didn't do anything, what he had was taken away. This tells me that Jesus was a capitalist. This also tells me that He expects me to do something with what I've been given. In Luke 12:48, the Bible says that if we have been given much, there will be much required. This tells me that whatever we have been trusted with, we better have something to show for it. We have been given 24 hours a day and they same power that Jesus had. What will we have to show for it? Will we be faithful with what we are given? 1 Cor 4:2

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