Ready for harvest

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Taking over

One of my Dad's favorite stories is about a shoe salesman sent to a small village on the other side of the world a long time ago. He didn't sell anything and telegraphed back that there was no need for him to be there since no one wore shoes. The company flew him back to the US and a couple of years went by when the company sent another salesman to the same area. The new salesman telegraphed back to send a whole warehouse full of shoes, because no one had shoes there.
Many Christian's perception is like the first salesman, in that, there are so many people around us that need Christ that we don't have anyone to share Him with. Our world is full of lost people that need Christ and are waiting for the real Christian to stand up. Our mission can be overwhelming. But we need God's vision.
I believe God has called me to this place to take over. He didn't call me to start a small ministry to sit around and stay small. A healthy organism grows and increases, gets stronger to reach it's full capacity, reproduces to make other healthy, strong, growing organisms to repeat the process. My pastor has a great statement: what multiplies takes over. Think of a cockroach. If you see one, you know there are many hiding. They will multiply and take over if they aren't stopped. Our vision should be to multiply ourselves until we take over the area. 2 Timothy 2:2 should be at the forefront of your ministry. Don't look at the lack of God around you as downfall. Take the opportunity to take over.