Ready for harvest

Monday, August 2, 2010


My family and I went to the Grand Canyon a couple of weeks ago. It was awesome. The guide that was there was talking about the theories of how it came about. I was standing there half listening and wondering if they can actually believe some of their ideas. The truth is we don't know exactly how it happened that there is a 7,000 foot hole in the earth that has mountains, valleys, and a river. But what we do know is that some of it took a long time to happen. My belief is that it started at the time of the flood and the rest is the result of a few thousand years.
Destruction doesn't happen over night and neither does construction. I think of a farmer that sows a field. He works on what he hopes to happen. It doesn't start at planting the seed, but the preparation of the ground. If the ground isn't ready then the seed won't grow right and there won't be a good harvest. Many people get discouraged and give up somewhere between the preparation and harvest.
When I was a Youth Pastor I learned to only see the harvest in my vision. Keep envisioning the future of the young people I was dealing with and working toward that goal. As a parent and missionary, I have to remind myself of that focus. Getting people to follow that vision is not always easy. Everyone wants to see the results. In fact, many people will not support a missionary that is not seeing results. Because of that, they will loose out on the harvest. If your not seeing the harvest that you have planted, Galatians 6:9 says that you will reap if you don't give up. (NIV).
Whatever you do, don't give up on your vision. Results will come.