Ready for harvest

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hanging out

Funny term: hanging out. I use it a lot. I like to hang out. I go and hang out on campus. I try to make it every Wednesday to hang out for lunch with some of the students and with our staff adviser. I go and hang out with the BCM director Mike on a regular basis. Usually hanging out means doing something. Today it meant setting down, eating and talking about how great God is and what He has done for us lately. To hear that its not just me that gets blessed and that God is doing things in others lives is so awesome. I like that kind of hanging out.
We talk about prayer so many times in a different way than this. I have times where I have to go into my office and plead, have intense prayer. Last night at prayer time I had some of that. I do it regularly. Then today I walked around campus after lunch. It was more of hanging out with God. I wanted to know what He thought and relaxed. We hung out. I think God likes it when I do that. I like to say that Christianity is about a relationship and not a religion. But until I treat the King of Kings and Lord of Lords like my friend, then its just doing things like always. Which to me is religion. Have you hung out with God today. He can be your best friend.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A New Day

Today is a new day. Yesterday is gone and there is nothing you can do to change it. All you have is today and right now. What are you going to do? There is momentum from the past and a way things have gone in the past that can carry on. But we don't have to let it. Just because my life was messed up yesterday, doesn't mean I have to let it stay messed up. These are just some thoughts from my heart.
Today I had fun playing with my boys before breakfast. I had started something the other day when I came in and swatted them (not real hard) on the rear. I told them that they couldn't get me, but I could get them and then backed it up. They make it a game everyday now. We can just be walking across the house and they will find a way to swat me. I usually can stop them, but today they got a couple of licks on me. They were ready and I wasn't. It's fun being a dad. The more they grow up though, I wish I had played with them more. Can't change that huh? Guess I'll start today.